Best Mac For College Students 2016

  1. Best Mac For College Bound Student
  2. Apple
  3. Best Colleges For Student Life

From staying on top of your schedule to saving money, here are the best apps for students.

Picking the best laptop for college can make all the difference. Take a look at some of our favorites, and why you may consider picking one up for your next semester. Most individual computing tasks don’t require a specific operating system or brand anymore. With many tasks becoming browser-based and the line between Windows and OS X becoming less relevant every day, the lines in the sand about what computer you should take to school have been significantly diminished. Instead, the challenge in deciding what laptop would serve you best now depends more on hardware. Battery life, whether or not you need touch, and screen size and quality now have a much greater influence in the decision. With that in mind, we’ve put together a quick list of which laptops would be best for your day-to-day needs based on those categories.


(Note: we didn’t factor in specific school requirements, these are the general, all-around best laptops for college students that we could think of.). The secret weapon: Chrome OS Maybe you’ve got a powerful desktop that you built yourself, and so don’t need a to handle every single task in your world.

Maybe your school is super cool and lets you write everything in Google Drive instead of requiring Microsoft Office, so you can use a browser-based OS that lets you move every aspect of your schoolwork to the cloud. Or maybe you’re just not attached to any one particular OS, and do everything in the browser already anyway. Is a good all-around idea for school, as most of the hardware running this lightweight OS can be picked up for about $300. Chrome OS puts everything in the browser, so as long as you’re connected to the internet you’ve got access to the same web experience found on any other computer. The advantage here is the inexpensive parts used to drive most of these laptops. While you could go all out and drop $1500 on the, the most common versions of Chrome OS hardware exist in the much cheaper Samsung and Acer Chromebooks. These cheaper experiences offer 6-8 hours of battery life and are quite light.

Best Mac For College Bound Student

You also never have to worry about anything happening to your data of your Chrome OS laptop gets in an accident, which could be the most important feature for the forgetful student. Today the best-selling Chromebook is Samsung’s 11.6-inchExynos 5000-powered system ($249) and the Acer C7, while the newest, best performing models should be the new Haswell systems.



Best Colleges For Student Life

These Chromebooks, which were just announced last week, include the Acer Chromebook and the HP Chromebook14. More details on them should be available soon. The standard: Windows ultrabooks and convertibles Windows has, and for a long time will likely remain, an OS with many different kinds of hardware. Right now in particular, with Microsoft shaking things up a bit through, there’s a lot of different kinds of hardware to choose from when it comes to picking a Windows machine. Sorting through all of these odd looking machines in search for a winner can be a challenge unless you know exactly what you’re looking for.

This is particularly likely for drives above 4 TB in size. 6tb external hard drive prices. • Hub: Some drives from companies like Seagate also offer additional ports so that you can connect lower bandwidth peripherals such as a keyboard or mouse.